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White Pond Design Services

User Interaction Audits

We work with in-house domain experts to define customer personas and to acquire customer product feedback using low risk efficient techniques.  Does the product meet the customer’s expectations? If not, why?  Why is this information hard to obtain?

  1. Product Audits
  2. Is the product delivering the functionality required for the user to achieve his/her goals?
  3. Interaction Audits
  4. Is the user interaction design effective? Does it follow adopted standards, exhibit consistency, exploit the target technology?
  5. Measure product/interaction effectiveness in the field. Does it work where it matters?
  6. The measure is a happy customer.  Quality interaction that does not service the customer’s expectations and needs is not interesting.
  7. Metrics
    • What constitutes success?
    • Does the documentation work?
    • Does the training work?
  8. Communication Techniques
    • Transcribed interviews
    • Video capture of guerilla usability tests

Expertise in analytic interactions

Over 10 years creating data and math centered interactions. We start by studying the data insights sought by the customer. Then, goal driven designs make those insights accessible by the customer.


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